Congratulations! Would you like to be married here?
Who may celebrate their wedding at Saint Richard's or St. Mary's Parishes?
Both the prospective bride and groom must, above all, be free to marry in the Catholic Church. This means that no impediments exist according to Canon Law, which would prevent the valid celebration of this sacrament. The most frequently encountered impediment is that of a prior marriage for which no declaration of nullity (often referred to as an “annulment”) has been granted. The initial conversation with the priest or deacon will ascertain whether or not any impediments exist.
Setting a Date and Time
Weddings may be celebrated at the following starting times, subject to prior commitments of the facilities:
• Fridays from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
• Saturdays from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm (the church must be vacated by 3:00 pm for cleanup and the beginning of the regularly scheduled time for confessions: 3:15pm after which is our 4:00pm and 4:30pm Mass)
• Sundays after 1:00 pm
• Requests for scheduling weddings at other days (such as on legal holidays) are considered on a case-by-case basis.
In all cases, the minimum of a two-hour time slot is required for weddings so as to allow for set-ups by the florist and maintenance staff; for preparations by the clergy and musicians; for a receiving line and photographs after the wedding and for cleanup and set-up for the next scheduled parish event.
Timeline for Preparation
In order to fulfill the canonical requirements that they be properly prepared for marriage, the couple should make the initial contact with a priest or deacon of the parish a minimum of six months (ideally, one year) in advance of the wedding date desired.
Who officiates at the Wedding?
With the exception of a wedding in which the couple is required to obtain the services of their own priest, a priest or deacon of the parish ordinarily officiates at weddings.
A priest or deacon (in good standing in their own diocese or religious order) who is a friend or relative of the bride, the groom, or one of their families is most welcome to officiate at the wedding of a parishioner. Clergy from outside the Archdiocese are asked to present documentation of good standing. (In addition, if from out of state, must secure legal permission from the Massachusetts Secretary of State). In such a case, a member of the Danvers Catholic Collaborative clergy staff will complete the necessary paperwork with the couple; the guest officiate will be responsible for working out the details of the ceremony with the couple (subject to the requirements for music and liturgy found elsewhere in this information), the wedding rehearsal and the ceremony itself.