"Wherever two or more are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20
The Charismatic prayer group of St. Mary's has been praying together for 33 years. The group is currently comprised of single, married, and widowed men and women who gather together every other weekend at members’ homes to worship Jesus, our Savior, through prayer, praise and thanksgiving. Contact Bob and Sara LaFleur through the rectory.
Lectio Divina (Sacred Reading) is a simple way of reading, hearing, and sharing on the scriptures with others in small groups. Meetings focus on the upcoming Sunday’s lectionary readings and look to see how Christ has been present and at work in our daily lives. Individual groups meet on different days and evenings of the week. Contact, Judy Kozlowski through the rectory.
Ultreya is translated from Spanish as "Keep on going" or "Onward." Meetings are open to all and feature dinner, music, prayer, and a speaker. Ultreya is a great way to share our faith with each other and to learn about the growing Cursillo community within our parish and community. For additional information or to attend the next meeting, please contact Anne Farmer through the rectory or email [email protected].
This group gathers to pray the Holy Rosary every Thursday at 2:00 PM here at St. Mary’s Parish. We welcome you to meditate on the mysteries of our Faith through this beloved prayer to the Blessed Mother. "If you want peace in your heart, in your home, in your country, assemble together and say the Rosary." - Pope St. Pius X Contact Linda Perrino through the rectory.